Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Getting started

I've just started this blog, and turning 33 this weekend, one of the things I promised myself is that I would write more, and write regularly. A weekly blog update seems like a good way to do that.

I'm primarily a hockey and baseball fan, so those are the topics you'll see most here, but also some football and maybe some basketball from time to time.

I'm located in Central Ohio, so if you're a fan of The Columbus Blue Jackets, this blog is for you. I grew up in Michigan, so while I am not a Red Wings fan, I am still a huge Detroit Tigers fan, so expect some stuff about them as well.

I won't limit my blog to those teams or even those sports, and may go completely away from sports from time to time, but that should give you a pretty good beginning to what I've got planned.

1 comment:

Tim said...

This blog sucks. More posts!!!